Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tell me how to change my yahoo email address by adding _ between first and last name.?

change email address from to

Tell me how to make this change.

Tell me how to change my yahoo email address by adding _ between first and last name.?
If this is your primary address it is not changable. It is what it is for the duration you have that account.

However, if you have Yahoo! Mail Plus you can add a second primary address. To get Yahoo! Mail Plus you pay 19.95 a year. I love the Mail Plus account because it has a lot of features that the free account does not have. It is not very expensive when you divide the amount you pay by twelve. It comes out to $1.66 a month. Not bad for all the features you get. One of which is this second email address I was refering to above. You also have the option of using a "." in that address now! Very cool. I used it and now have a free second primary address. I also have what are referred to as "desposable" addresses, which I can use in place of my primary addresses when opening accounts with other websites and I am not sure they will rent/sell my address and give me spam.

Sorry to report that you can't change your primary address after it has been created. Your only other option is to open another Yahoo! mail account and hope that address has not been used by somebody else. Sometimes an address you would like to use is already in use by somebody else. Even seemingly original addresses are already in use.

Good luck and have a nice day.
Reply:please show me

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