Monday, May 24, 2010

Guys please help!! Getting to the first date. Deciphering his email? Help !!!?

I met this guy @ a bar a week ago %26amp; ended up asking him for his # which i never do. I didn't end up calling him though. Then this past weekend he found me on myspace %26amp; added me. We have been exchanging msgs all week %26amp; i get the vibe he's into me. Obviously he knows i like him since i asked for his # %26amp; thru the tone of our emails. I've been keeping it casual %26amp; friendly %26amp; have been leaving it up to him to ask me out.

Today he asked me what i had planned for the weekend(actually what me %26amp; my friends had planned since he kinda met us all). I told him i had plans both days (which i do) but wasn't sure what i was doing later sat. He wrote back that he had no plans tom. but was going out of town rest of w/end %26amp; that he guessed he'd catch up w/us later. It was all pretty casual %26amp; he didn't ask me if i wanted to do something w/him specificaly.

Was he fishing to ask me out? Should i ask him? Do u think he will ask nxt week? should i hint at it %26amp; if so how? should i leave it up to him. help!!

Guys please help!! Getting to the first date. Deciphering his email? Help !!!?
Why don't you just ask him out? There is nothing wrong with it. In fact the man I've been with (he is my dream man!!!) for 4 years, I asked him out. He respected that fact that I know what I like and have the guts to go for it. The worst that can happen is he'll say no(which I doubt) men like to be pursued just as much as women (as long as you don't stalk him haha)

You can wait and toy around, but why waste time...

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide.

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