Monday, May 24, 2010

After your first coffee date, how should I send an email saying that I enjoy him a lot?

With out show to much enthusiastic

He thinks very high about him self.

After your first coffee date, how should I send an email saying that I enjoy him a lot?
If he thinks so highly of himself, why would you want to contact him first? I'd let him contact you.

A gentleman would never leave you hanging dear. If he's any kind of nice man ( although your comment belies an inflated ego), he will call you within a week. If he doesn't - I'd say forget about him and move on.
Reply:Did you like him or the coffee????

If he thinks highly of himself as you say, that may be a harbinger of things to come....that are bad
Reply:Don't send an email if he already thinks very highly of himself. Chances are he already knows so try to relax and be a little bit of a challenge.
Reply:Just tell him exactly what you thought of the date. Honesty is always better than hiding your true feelings.
Reply:Dear ______, Thank you for a nice time and great converstion. We should keep in touch and maybe do it again.
Reply:It's good he thinks highly of himself. You wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't think highly of himself, right? I'll just dive right in here. Hey What-ever-his-name-is -- had a great time over coffee. Good company -- good conversation. Let's do it again some time. That's it. Good luck.
Reply:I wouldn't do that if I were you. It seems desperate.

I've been dating for 20 years (I am 35 now) and I've learned from my mistakes. One big mistake I've had is showing too much interest too soon. It seems desperate and ends up repelling men.

So, if I were you, I would hold out and wait for him to contact you again or wait a few days if you don't want to wait for him to contact you.

Trust'll be saving yourself some grief!!!!!!!!

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