Saturday, November 7, 2009

I am receiving email intended for other yahoo subscribers that have the same first 9 letters of my address,?

I am receiving email intended for other yahoo subscribers that have the same first 9 letters of my address, how do i setup so i get email only for my complete address?

I am receiving email intended for other yahoo subscribers that have the same first 9 letters of my address,?
Your address is in the BCC field which is hidden. One address is chosen to be the TO address. Since all addresses are probably from an alphabetic list they will be pretty close to each other.

You can try using a filter to screen them out but that may also remove any mail you get from wanted mail lists. The filter can match against to/cc but I don't know if it may also match against the bcc and therefore be worthless.

If to/cc is not equal to MyAddress then move the trash.

Does to/cc also match against bcc? You will have to test it.

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